Our New House…MEET THE MERC!

By Mandi 03/28/2017

YOU GUYS!!!! Are you ready to finally meet our new house?! Oh man ALIVE does it feel good to say that. I can’t stop smiling, I’m a dang fool in love.

This post is exactly 171 days in the making.

171 days that I’ve been keeping this as vague a secret as possible in fear that someone would step in and buy it before we could.

171 days of complete life consumption.

171 days of laying awake at night dreaming of years worth of projects.

171 days is a long time.

But now I can share every single detail and I’m not going to stop. Ever.

Lets have a readers digest recap of our house situation, shall we? Its so crazy now to see how everything connected and since hind sight is 20/20 I’m going to show you all the crazy miracles.

Rewind back to Jan 2015 when I posted about my dream project. I found out that my favorite pioneer home was for sale and shared alllllll the feelings about it. Man I loved that house something fierce.

In the post I said “You know the saying If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, then it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be?” Well this house never came back. It was under contract when we looked at it and sold to the buyer very soon after. This was not our house.

Fast forward a year to Feb. 2016 when we started the process of building a new construction home. (Details on that process here) I designed the house myself, it was such a cool experience to see things coming together.

We had our lot, we had our bids, we had our plans, but it just didn’t feel right. It was like everything was working against us in impossible to overcome ways. One Saturday afternoon in June I was talking to Court about it. We had to decide by Monday what we were doing. I was sitting on the bed, and he was sitting on the floor. I looked at him and said, “Maybe we’re not supposed to build?” As soon as I allowed myself to see that as an option I had the most massive wave of confirmation rush over me. That was the answer. God knows that I’m a negotiator through and through and that if I was going to completely stop this process that I needed an answer that left no room for second guesses. This was not our house.

Buuttttttt, being the negotiator that I am, I tried to figure out why. Was it the actual house? Was it the lot? Was it the price? These questions swirled and swirled around in my head. I looked at new lots, I sketched new plans, I did everything I could to decipher what the possible solutions could be. Then one night that stopped. I woke up at 3:30 in the morning with the clearest thought in my mind. “Wait upon the Lord and trust in his goodness and timing”.

That left me with nothing to do, nothing to do but wait. So I stopped worrying about it.

On Sept. 1 my friend Meghan called to see if I had a phone number for an acquaintance. Meghan was listing a commercial property that needed just the right person to buy it. She said it was perfect for a cool vintage store, a coffee shop, or a restaurant. She gushed about amazing potential and I told her I’d see if I could track down a number. All of 5 minutes passed and I called her back and told her I wanted to see it. Not for any reason other than pure curiosity and a reason to get out of the house.

She gave me the address and when I pulled up this is what I saw:

The Santa Clara Merc.

Pssst, that painted faux rock treatment is ??.

She opened the door on the far right and we walked in to this:

The seller was originally planning on putting in a gallery and art studio (hence the wall situation)

It was old and awesome. I loved the giant shop windows and high ceilings. I agreed with her, this would be the perfect place for a cool shop. I remember telling her that I was sure we could find someone that would love it.

Then we walked through the gaping hole in the wall and I swear the world around me disappeared.

This weird laugh/cry noise came out of my mouth and I fell absolutely and completely in love. This wasn’t supposed to be a cool vintage store or a coffee shop.

This was my house.


As I tried to take it all in, I could feel God giving me the ol’ nudge nudge saying “I told you.”

Now, normally I would instantly be worked into a frenzy but I felt so much peace about this. I didn’t need to get all worked up and stressed out forcing this to happen. It didn’t just fall into my lap, it was intentionally placed into my life.

I couldn’t believe that this building existed in Southern Utah! How did no one tell me about it?! Could they not see it for what it was?!

My thoughts immediately went to Court. I had to bring him here. STAT.

He was going to hate me.

The whole reason he hated the pioneer house was because it didn’t have reliable modern convinces like A/C. There was no way he was going to go for something that didn’t have electricity in half of it.

It seemed like it took FOR??EV??UR to get him over there (in reality it was the next day) I could not stop talking about it, and he could not stop telling me that I was crazy. And not in a “awwww, you’re so cute and a little cray cray” way, in a “Mandi, these nice people are here to take you away because you are out of your mind” way.

I made sure that my MIL came along cause she gets me and I knew I would need someone on my team. Court walked in and his exact word were “No way, this is a piece of crap!” Ok so he wasn’t in love with it, I’ll be the first to admit that there are a lot of very obvious negatives. But his hard candy shell cracked a little when he walked into the brick room. He won’t admit it, but I think in that moment (for at least 3 seconds) he was a little glad he had a certifiably crazy wife.

Here’s a few pics with people in them for scale.

Have you made it this far?! Lets pause our story here and I’ll pick up tomorrow! We’ve got to pace ourselves cause this is 171 days worth of stories, problems, miracles, and happy dances!

Tell me how you’re feeling. ARE YOU DYING?!!?!?!? Isn’t this SO MUCH BETTER than a new house?! Who wants to get a Merc tattoo with me?

87 thoughts on “Our New House…MEET THE MERC!”

  1. I AM SO EXCITED! Oh, be still my heart, those walls! The beautiful, wonderful things you are going to do in that space!! Eeekkkk – all I can think about is the creative, non-top content you are going to be able to share as you turn this into your home. Keep the details coming …

  2. We used to Sit on skate boards and ride down the big hill (that no longer exists) to get penny candies at the merc! I’m so happy you are saving it! Can’t wait to see more!!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am SOOO excited to see this transformation come to life. This reminds me of Ellen DeGeneres house (which just went on the market for 45 million BTW) … or at least what it could end up looking like. I CAN SEE IT! I’m glad you waited – a cookie cutter subdivision home never seemed like it would be your jam. I couldn’t see you there. But I can totally see you here … I literally CAN. NOT. WAIT. to see what you’re going to do with this.

  4. Holy Cracker Jack! I’ve been missing your posts and am very excited for tomorrow’s post!

  5. I love that you looked at the old bookstore on Main. I wanted that house so bad, but my husband is a lot like Court and talks me into reason. I love that you found the mercantile. I used to get fun olds and ends there. Santa Clara is a magical place. I can’t wait to watch you transform it.

  6. Duuuuude! What a lead up! The first interior pictures we like, Hmm, but then…Very exciting!

  7. Absolutely fabulous !! Can’t wait to see all what you are going tout do ??????

  8. Mandi!!!! I cannot begin to tell you how insanely excited I am to see what you transform this into, I am literally on the edge of my seat! It is amazing and God works in the funniest ways sometimes doesn’t he?

  9. If loving this place is crazy, I don’t wanna be right! It’s AH-MAZING! I love it and cannot wait to see what you do with it. I’m trying not to be too envious right now πŸ˜‰

  10. I’m so incredibly jealous I can’t even begin to tell you. This is the dream. Now I’m back to checking your site once a day for new updates on this project. I’ll live vicariously through you until I can do this myself. Congrats!

  11. Yes! You ARE crazy!! But in such a great way! This is going to be the perfect project for you and I can’t WAIT to see what miracles you let God perform!!

  12. I’m so excited to read about everything, and CAN’T WAIT to see what you do with it! Eek!!

  13. Mandi, I’m freaking out right now because I used to buy penny candy there when we visited my cousins in Santa Clara! We would walk down the hill to the merc when we were bored. I’m sure there are houses there now, since this was over 20 years, but we would cut down the hill, pass a pioneer house…Jacob Hamblin home maybe? (I’m related to the Gublers up the hill….not that that narrows it down at all…) ? the shop owner always watched us very closely….it’s hard to know how to spend 10cents when everything’s a penny! I’m sure we put our grubby hands all over stuff we didn’t buy…anyway, fair warning that I’ll come gawk of I ever make it there again.

  14. Oh my wow! Way jealous and excited! I would have felt the same way you did and my husband would agree with Cort. Those walls! Can’t wait to see your vision! Congrats to you and your family!

  15. Wow! You knocked it out of the park with this one! This place has amazing potential and I am sure you will make it a remarkable home. I am so excited for you! ? This is WAY better than building a house!!! Congrats ?

  16. That is Amazing & I CANNOT wait to see your magic touch with this fabulous place ??

  17. The merc is so special to me. When I was little my dad would pick me up from school and take me down there we would buy lunch and I would get as many penny candies as I wanted. I miss those days

  18. I guess I’m not the only person who imagines how a commercial property could be turned into a home. I can’t wait to see what you will do!

  19. Oh, Mandi!! I am SOOOO Happy you are purchasing the Merc!! It’s such a special place to so many of us who great up in Santa Clara!! You will absolutely LOVE living in the historic part of town! I’m over the moon it’s not going to be ANOTHER art gallery (that would have gone out of business within a year and been vacant – again!). I can’t wait to see what your magic will make it!! We drive past it every single day!! Good luck to you! <3 <3

  20. no freakin’ way !!!!!! wow !!!!! how amazingly cool !!! you guys will rock this place !!!!

  21. Awesome…. looking forward to watching your exciting home adventures!! Congratulations!! πŸ™‚

  22. Holy flipping flippers!!!!!! This is AMAZING!!! I am so excited for you. I can’t wait to see what you do with it. Congratulations!!!

  23. Oh the memories of this place! Me and my friends would ride our awesome huffy bikes down there and spend all of our money on penny candy. I’m pretty sure you should bring it back and sell it again. I’m beyond STOKED for you!!! It is you in every sense of the word! Love you!

  24. YOU CAN’T STOP THERE!!!!! Seriously, I can’t wait for the rest of this story!!! And to see what you do with a treasure like that!!!

  25. Congratulations! The Merc definitely seems more like you than a new build in a planned neighborhood. I’m looking forward to seeing the transformation.

  26. Not gonna lie – I totally can’t see this as a house, because all I can see is the biggest roller skating party of all time!!!!!! Am I right?? ???

  27. I am so excited! We live just down the street and it will be SO NICE to see that place get some love! Good luck!

  28. You’re insane…in the BEST possible way. I can’t wait to see it all come together. Man, I wish I lived somewhere that this kind of thing was possible/semi-affordable.

  29. I’m very curious about the neighborhood around it. The exposed brick is pretty cool inside, anxious to hear about your vision.

  30. I LOVE and WORSHIP you Mandi!! You are so inventive and insiteful. I love that you involve the Lord in everything you do! The other day I got to thinking about that day that you came and we had that long talk. I NEED another one of those STAT! I’m ready now to actually hear what you have to say. And DO SOMETHING about it!! So I might need to come down and see you…SOON!! I love yer face!

  31. You and this building were totally MFEO ? Can’t wait to follow along as you make this a home-Congrats!!

  32. Your husband must really love you ?! This is going to be awesome. This makes me think of the book- Where did you go Bernadette? Small part of the book the main character turns a warehouse into an amazing house. I thought that would be so great and now you are going to do just that. Can’t wait to follow along on your project!

  33. When I saw the outside I thought “you’re crazy”… then I saw the inside! I love it and I totally get why you’re so excited! I can’t wait to hear more and see what kind of ballin stuff you do with it.

  34. I love it! You are always up for a challenge and I know you will make it amazing! Excited to join in on the adventure!
    Ps thanks for sending the post via email! Xo


  35. It may take a few days for my jaw to come back up from the floor. It-is-AMAZING. Total rehab envy going on right now. I always look forward to your new posts but now they can’t come soon enough!!

  36. So correct me if I am wrong… But isn’t the “Gubler” name a Santa Clara name!!! It is meant for you to be living in Santa Clara, making magic in that beautiful town!!!!

  37. You ARE certifiably crazy! But I am so happy you are and so flippin excited to see what you do!! I’m literally on the edge of my seat excited!!

  38. I hope the “Holiness to the Lord” window is still above the door. I always coveted that little piece of glass. This is perfect for you. Lucky and blessed for sure.

  39. Did you sell him on the fact that you have free storage if you use the front as a store-age-front? You could open shop once a month and sell your finds if you wanted to?? You can buy more chairs!

  40. SOOOOO awesome!!!! I totally thought it was going to be an old brick church building or something, but this is awesome too! can’t wait to see the projects, and so happy for you to not have to keep your secret anymore!!!

  41. Those brick walls and that big wooden vaulted ceiling………….and the space! Space for the kids to play πŸ™‚ I love it.

  42. What dreams are made of!!!! Remember those faux brick walls in your old house? It was like dress rehersal for this place. THESE ARE REAL BRICK WALLS! This is going to be the awesome-sauceist home EVAR. Can’t wait to come visit. Let’s talk guest room detials later. πŸ˜‰

  43. OH MY GOODNESS!! Haven’t seen anything from you for quite some time now & kinda wondered what you were up to! Zero idea it would be THIS! It is FABULOUS and can’t wait to read more. Sooooo exciting and SOOOO excited for you!!!!!

  44. I can’t for the rest of the story and ring no along on this crazy ride! Congrats on the purchase! What’s the neighborhood around it like? Is it businesses or other houses?

  45. Yassss! I have been waiting for this post so I could see inside it! I LOVES it…and you! xoxo

  46. MANDI!!! I am dying! Please post all of the updates ASAP! I can’t wait long for updates! Also, this post hit me right here (points to heart). I needed to hear your testimony about timing and God placing things in your life… He’s been doing that to me a lot lately… And I haven’t been very nice about it. <3 Thank you for the reminder!

  47. What a dream?! I have re written this post a zillion times because everything I type seems so overboard stalkerish but… OH MY DANG! This is the best most spectacular creative dream come true!!! I’m so glad Court changed his mind on the idea. I always get so discouraged when my husband’s opinion of something I love is totally opposite! But, I love the challenge of changing his mind! Looking forward to every post about this new adventure! Brava m’Lady… Brava!!!!!

  48. Crazy like a FOX! I love it, is it kismet that I am looking at an abandoned firehall this morning? Hmmmmm

  49. OMG!! I gotta agree with Court, you ARE CRAZY!! And that is the best thing about you. I am seriously drooling over here, while at the same time feeling a very strong sense of anxiety. I can’t wait to see what you do with it. I really cannot wait.

  50. Wow, that’s totally not what I was expecting, but I can’t wait to see you turn it into something amazing!

  51. This will be a the most wonderful transformation . I spent my whole life ( in England ) transforming old buildings into unusual homes and I get your feelings about this building ! I am now past that stage in my life but still have an undying live for old and interesting buildings . Good luck to the both of you and I will be watching with interest .

  52. OMGOMGOMG!! First, I literally had a dream last night that my husband and I converted an old “auto body shop” into a house (we’ve been househunting for 26 months…) and it looked just.like.this in my dream! Second, I cannot wait to see what you do to this! SOOO EXCITED!

  53. I’m so excited to see what you do with it! And I’m also glad to hear I’m not the only one that fantasizes about turning a little old industrial/commercial building into a house for themselves. I’ve had thoughts like this about several old mechanics shops in the past. Good luck!

  54. Congratulations!!! This space is amazing! You guys are going to make this space into beyond your wildest dream house. Good luck and I can’t wait to follow the progress.

  55. I live a block from The Merc! I too ate penny candy there as a child. ❀ I am so excited to be your neighbor, and for you to bring life back to the building!! Yay!! Welcome to Santa Clara, you are going to love it!

  56. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see you work your magic on this new house. It is going to be.off.the.chain! πŸ™‚

  57. I almost had tears in my eyes (well I actually kind of did) from reading your story. So much emotion, excitement, potential… can’t wait to see what you do with it.
    171 days was long enough of a wait to find out this secret!!!! ☺️

  58. You are so brave! Way to follow your heart – add me to the growing list of your followers excited to see you make this place into your beautiful home sweet home!

  59. This is amazing! You are so lucky!! I live in a converted high school in Boston. πŸ™‚ More photos!!!

  60. Omg, this made ma laugh. Believe me, this space is perfect. I can so see you doing it. Oh, you are hysterical. In a good way. Can’t wait to see this develop!

  61. What would the world be like without you Mandy Gubler?????!!!!! I shudder to think!! I love how you jump into life!!! Good luck, and can’t wait to see the transformation happening!! Thanks!

  62. This is sooo fantastic! My husband and I have been dreaming about doing something like this. I am super excited for you! I can’t wait to see how it all comes together.

  63. Do you know when you get ridiculously attached to a serie and you want to get all episodes and watch them all at once and get overflooded by its content, cause it makes you feel like a silly person not able to hold in its curiosity. That’s me with your house…and it’s driving me nuts to have to wait and wait for the content XD so I basically look in once a week and it’s taking forever…so MANDY GO FOR IT AND THEN MAKE THE POSTS! Also as I’m looking for a new place to live in I really want to get inspired by your endless seeming creativity. We are very very far apart but somehow I feel connected to you.

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